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I am 24 years old and my name is Ramonita Stiltner. I life in Austin (United States). Dental Health Dental health begins in early stages of development. When babies are born the teeth are still developing and gathering nutrients. As this is occurring itis very important that you think about this, during this time. Don let your child fall asleep with a bottle . Be aware of what child is eating and drinking. There are many stages of development through this time. You should take a gauze and wipe the gums of your baby's mouth before putting him/herto bed. This removes the bacteria that will seep through the gums and could affect your baby's undeveloped teeth. Normally when this occurs it is a front tooth. First you check to make sure your baby has not cut open any area of his face or mouth. Next is the tooth just loose or is it knocked out completely? If the tooth is still somewhat intact just push it back into place and place ice on the area and call your dentist immediately. Should the tooth be out completely, call you dentist immediately and place a gauze over the area apply pressure for at least 10 -15 minutes this should stop the bleeding. Depending on your child's age this tooth may or not be important for development and alignment of the permanent teeth. Should I be concerned if my baby's teeth are not coming through yet? Baby or otherwise known as deciduous teeth come through in stages as they develop. Lower or upper anterior front teeth are typically seen first. They generally start to show at around 6 months. Now this is just a guideline as every child's anatomy is different. At what age shouldI take my child to the dentist? Most general practices start seeing children between the ages of 3-4. However there are specialty offices Pedodontists that will see children at a much earlier age if your child has concerns. Feel free to visit my website - root canal cost